I have expensive taste. It never fails that if I have several items to choose from, with all of the prices hidden from sight, I’ll almost always choose the most expensive item. It happens over and over and over again. That’s one reason I started DIYing many years (okay…decades) ago. I decided that if I couldn’t afford the things I wanted, maybe I could make them for a fraction of the price.
And that’s where I’ve found myself in my search for the perfect chandelier to go above the island in my future walk-in closet. I know y’all are probably going to get sick of this closet (if you haven’t already) before I even get started on it. But I’ve never had a decent walk-in closet before, and I would be embarrassed to tell you how much time of each day I spend dreaming about and planning this closet. But as anxious and excited as I am to make this closet a reality, I won’t start on it until I have all of the details worked out, especially in regards to how the cabinets and drawers will be arranged. I’m almost have it, but I’m not quite there yet.
While I’m still working out those details, these fun, decorative touches, like mirrors, wallpaper, and lights, are fun to think about as well. I’ve already shown you the modified floor plan, but just in case you missed it, this will be the layout of the closet/laundry area.

And a couple of days ago, I showed you my final wallpaper selection, as well as the mirror I bought to go on the section that will be wallpapered. If you look at the floor plan above, the wallpaper and mirror will go in the middle section on the right side of the closet area, where I’ll have drawers up to about 34 inches, a countertop on top, and then an open area with the wallpaper and mirror. You can see more details of this wallpaper in this post, but here’s a look at both.

So with those selections made, I wanted to purchase a really pretty chandelier or pendant light to go above the center island. I really had no idea what I wanted, so I was pretty open-minded about it when I started my search. I started out looking for a simple but pretty chandelier. The first one I saved to my “walk-in closet chandelier options” file was this one from Wayfair (affiliate link).
It’s simple, pretty, transitional in style, and brass. It’s definitely my style for a general use kind of chandelier. But this closet is mostly going to be mine. This is an area where I can kind of have a little fun and do something not so “general use“, if you know what I mean. So I started looking for something geared a little more towards my very specific taste. I wanted something eye-catching, fun, and maybe floral-inspired (because, if you know me at all, you know I’d drench my whole house in flowers, birds, and trees, if left to my own devises).
So with that goal in mind, the first one I considered was this Possini Flower Chandelier (affiliate link).
This light has been around for many years, and I’ve loved it since the first time I saw it. But the one thing that has held me back from buying it (and I’ve considered it for many different uses over the years) is that I’m pretty IKEA used to sell this light or a similar version of it. And I don’t really want my closet to look like IKEA. I don’t have anything against IKEA. I just don’t want it to be an overtly IKEA closet. I do love that light, though. I’d love to find a use for it eventually, but just not front and center in my walk-in closet.
Sticking with that eye-catching floral theme, I also considered this beaded chandelier from Wayfair (affiliate link). It’s not exactly floral, but it reminds me of vines with berries. And it’s sparkly, which I love. And best of all, the price was really good at just under $140. Also, the beads are glass and not plastic. There are lots of photos uploaded by customers in their reviews, and it’s so pretty in all of them.
That light is like a Sputnik (which I love) covered in vines and berries (which I love). It’s the best of both worlds all in one light. I came very close to clicking that “Add To Cart” button on that one.
And then the last one I had saved in my “walk-in closet chandelier options” file was this chandelier from Wayfair.
Three things held me back from this one. First, I think the gold is a little too gold. Second, I think it’s too big for my walk-in closet. The island will only be 24 inches wide, and this light is almost 24 inches wide. I think it might be a bit much for that space. I want something eye-catching and unique but not overpowering. I think this one would be better suited above a dining table. And third, I HATE that kind of ceiling canopy. It’s just a personal preference, but I can’t stand the way those canopies look.
And then it happened. I found THE PERFECT light that not only suits my taste, but goes so well with the mirror and the wallpaper and the whole vision I have for that room. It’s perfect in every way…except for the price. This light from Wayfair is $2300 (affiliate link). I mean…of course it is. Because why wouldn’t the most perfect chandelier ever created to suit my taste be ridiculously out of my price range?
But once I laid eyes on the most perfect chandelier for my walk-in closet, nothing else would do. I’ve searched. I really did try to find something else that looks similar in my price range. Nothing of the sort exists. But now that I’ve seen this one, I know I won’t be satisfied with anything else.
So, does that mean I’ll be spending $2300 on a chandelier? Of course not. 😀 I think y’all know me better than that, and I think y’all know what this means. There is a DIY chandelier for my walk-in closet in my future. This is the vision. This is the goal. Now I just have to figure out how to get that look on a budget. I’m already devising a plan, and I won’t stop until I have something similar that fits my budget.
But I think I can make a flower chandelier in much less time. And I think it’ll be the perfect addition to this vision I have for this room.

Update: I should note that this won’t be the only light in the room. I’ll also be adding plenty of recessed lights and/or lighting on the cabinets.
Addicted 2 Decorating is where I share my DIY and decorating journey as I remodel and decorate the 1948 fixer upper that my husband, Matt, and I bought in 2013. Matt has M.S. and is unable to do physical work, so I do the majority of the work on the house by myself. You can learn more about me here.