In my quest this year to find a place for everything, I wanted to find some bigger planter pots so I can use them for greenery and flowers around the house. I sometimes buy plants and then they just sit around without a pot looking forlorn and forgotten. 🙁
I had some gift cards so I was pleased to find a really pretty set of blue and white planter pots that I hadn’t seen before on Amazon. They seemed seemed promising, so I ordered to take a look!

These three pots come in a set and are quite lovely! They are bigger than this other set I bought a few years ago so they are perfect for what I needed. These pots have drainage holes so I can plant directly into the pot (which I haven’t done yet).

One of the planter pots is surprisingly large, so I think it will be so fun to use it for spring bulbs on my rattan cart in the kitchen. For now I just set a colorful bouquet in it — it reminds me how much I love seeing pretty flowers in the kitchen! Soon spring will come.

Below I will show you a few photos of other planters I have from Amazon.
Now I need more plants!

Here’s another set I’ve had for awhile with multiple sizes (above and below)

And here’s another set I have below with multiple sizes.

Blue and White Decor (132+ Pieces I Love on Amazon)