Jess here, to kick off my pretty great (read: wonderful) dad’s gift guide. I was so happy and touched by how many mentions he got in the EHD survey we did a few months ago. He was pretty happy too when I told him. You guys make him feel like a celeb on these post days:) So naturally, I had to ask him if he would consider writing another guide to not only help you shop for the older men/people in your life (many gifts are good for anyone) but also for you to get your end-of-the-year Les Bunge fix. Let’s just say, he was happy to oblige. I believe the phrase “I gotta give my fans what they want” was mentioned. And if this is your first time meeting my dad, you are in for a treat. And no, I’m clearly not biased. Also, check out his first, second, third, and fourth gift guide posts if you’d like even more great ideas and heartfelt words. You’ll quickly learn he’s a one-of-a-kind:) So without further ado, here’s Les.
So, I don’t believe it’s that time of year again. I swear time didn’t move this fast when I was younger. I used to wait eagerly for Christmas now it just rolls over me like a locomotive. I visited Jess after attending a concert in Los Angeles recently. We spent two days together. It was great. We went antique shopping. I actually bought a cobbler’s bench to use for a coffee table in my newly purchased cabin in the woods. I’ll include a pic or two. We had some great meals together. Our conversations were meaningful. I was only bored for a few seconds at a time. That is so pleasant to me I cannot tell you. Also, her apartment is drop-dead gorgeous. She has her mother’s taste. It is nice being a father of an entirely pleasant human being. We still fight once in a while. Can’t help that. Ha! Anyway, she asked me to cough up another gift guide so here goes. (Note from Jess: He acts as if this isn’t one of his favorite things he does all year.)

The Classic Shirt in Corduroy | The Stretch Twill 5-Pocket Pant | The Premium-Weight Crew
Now, the first thing I am going to mention is a store that Jess took me to on my visit. It is called Everlane. I bought some great pants, a couple of shirts (this button-up and tee), and maybe a pair of jeans or two for Jess. Not only are their clothes beautiful, hip, and stylish, but they are reasonably priced, way below what you would expect in an L.A. boutique. (Note from Jess: Should I tell him it’s a national chain and not really a “boutique”?? Nah;) The clothes are awesome either way.)

Microplane® Pro Serrated & Straight Peelers (Set of 2)
I was peeling potatoes before I started this post and I was thinking this is the best potato peeler ever. It is made by Microplane. Everything about it is perfect. I love simplicity. (Note From Jess: If you ever get the opportunity to have his french fries they are THE best. Thank god for the peeler and therefore my stomach.)

Presto 12-Cup Cordless Coffee Percolator
Also in my kitchen sits a 12-cup Presto cordless percolator. I grew up on a percolator and it’s what I prefer. It’s attractive and easy. I got it in black. It also brews great coffee.

Espresso Cups with Wood Handle (Set of 2)
I will make espresso on occasion and found the cutest little espresso cups. They are clear glass with wooden handles, absolutely gorgeous.

Walnut Wood Cutting Board with Handle | Ash Wood Paddle Serving Board
Another thing for the kitchen, I believe cutting boards are display pieces as well as functional. As I travel the planet I am always on the lookout. Some artisans are just breathtaking. I have plenty of artwork in my home but the cutting boards I have hanging get just as much attention. Who knew?

Since I’m a guy who likes to be cozy, I just bought the cushiest Tru Grit shirt that I have ever had. All of their shirts are cozy but this one takes the cake. If your guy wants a soft and manly shirt Tru Grit is the way to go. Tru Grit makes women’s clothes also. I would imagine they are just as nice.

I live in Sonoma, California. A great place to slow down when the time comes (not there yet). This past year I joined a couple of winery membership programs. Buena Vista Winery is our favorite. It allows me to bring up to 4 guests for a free tasting. I also get discounted wine. There are some purchase requirements but they are minimal. If your person is a wine lover find a local winery and buy them a membership. The first year is on you if they enjoy it then they can keep it. Explore the winery. Some are done beautifully and it’s always better if they have a light food menu. I don’t drink as I am allergic to alcohol (I break out in handcuffs). But I can spend hours at these places with friends because they are done so well. Also, some wineries make their own olive oil too. The packaging is usually unique and the oil is extraordinary. Great gift. (Note from Jess: The handcuff joke is his favorite of all time. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard him tell it. I’ve had to apologize to a lot of waiters over the years, lol.)

Rechargeable Wick Lantern | MoriMori Design Lamp with Loudspeaker
I have come to the conclusion that night lights are a good thing. When I get up in the middle of the night I have literally walked into things hanging on my wall and broke them. Finally, I said to myself “Hey stupid, it’s called a night light”. Geez! I didn’t want those ugly plug-in kinds so I started searching. I didn’t find much but my girlfriend did. She has a good eye for cutesy. One looks like a thin candle in a candlestick holder. It’s operated by touch. It has three light settings. It’s cordless and rechargeable. I leave mine plugged in because I have an outlet close. Then I don’t have to worry about charging it. She then found one that looks like an oil lamp. It has a built-in dimmer and is also rechargeable. Sometimes I will put it on the dinner table for a little romantic ambiance. Anything that makes that department easier is on my “A” list.

Jaspe Boar Bristle Hairbrush | Jaspe Nail Brush with Boar Bristles
In the beauty department, there is a company called KOH-I-NOOR. They are an Italian company of craftsmen. Their brushes are unmatched for beauty and quality. Their prices are probably unmatched also. I have a nail brush and a boar bristle hair hairbrush. Both are the best I’ve ever had. Go figure.

Cowboy Hat Rack Hanger (Set of 2)
If you wear cowboy hats there are some hat hangers for you. They are walnut and beautiful. I’ve got a lot so the come in handy.

Natural Coir Boot Scraper Door Mat
I suppose if you’re wearing the hats you’re wearing the boots. Here is a boot scraper doormat. I absolutely love these simple, great ideas. Blows me away!

Since we have last spoken I have purchased a cabin in the woods for me and my girlfriend. I did it while I was in Italy. So it’s my Roman cabin in the woods. Oh, and that’s my cobbler’s bench in the living room. Cool, right?

Hestia Telescope (Standard Pack)
The night sky is magnificent up there so I bought myself a telescope. It’s a Hestia telescope with a tripod. If you have a stargazer on your list it’s the bomb. The universe we live in is truly the most glorious entity there is. Growing up poor my Dad used to say “Keep your eyes on the ground kid, you never know what you might find.” Once I found a diamond ring. Thanks, Pop! My Mom would say, “Look to the sky and find your dreams.” I sort of compromised and started looking forward. It has served me well but today Mom wins. I look up more than I ever have. Wish I would’ve done more. Better late than never I guess.

While I was at the cabin a couple of weeks ago we had a snow storm. It was great for me but my dog, Babe, freaked out and took off (she has never experienced snow). For 30 minutes I was behind her and then I lost sight of her. I figured she was gone. Quite exhausted and emotional, I walked back to the cabin thinking how the hell am I gonna explain this to my girlfriend? All of a sudden she was walking next to me. I wanted to kill her but found myself giving her a hug. Brutal to say the least. After that episode, I bought a collar that carries one of those Apple AirTag luggage trackers. It comes in a variety of sizes and colors. There’s a present for the mutt in your life. She is now always on my phone. Funny since the snow incident she doesn’t wander much anymore. Must be pretty good around here compared to a blizzard.

The other living creatures in this house (not the cabin) are our chickens. They have been quite nice to have. Pretty much maintenance free and they give back. Fresh eggs do not have to be refrigerated because the protective coating on them is not washed off. So we actually display our eggs in a stackable wood holder on our table. Looks great on the kitchen table.

Dewalt Tough Box 8 PC SAE Ratcheting Combination Wrench Set
This post wouldn’t truly be by me if I didn’t have a couple of tools in here. I’m a tool guy in case this is our first time meeting. The Dewalt 8-piece ratcheting wrench set is great to have in the glove box of your car. It’s where they probably will be needed most.

Then there’s the Dewalt 34-piece socket set also to be kept in the car. They will never know what good gifts these are until they are broken down on the freeway with an easy fix. On that day you should get flowers if he’s worth a damn.

Snow-Chains Auto Fixing 1 Min Quick Installation Tire-Chains
Also, when that blizzard hit at the cabin, my Ford Bronco got stuck in a ditch that I inadvertently drove into. It made me realize that even with a four-wheel drive vehicle if I’m gonna be in snow country I should have a set of tire chains. You never think of that until after you’re stuck and have a tow truck pull you out. So why not be proactive and buy your person a pair of snow chains? You’ll need the tire size but you can just take a picture of that with your phone. That’s another one of those gifts that won’t be appreciated until they are needed.

I hope some of these ideas help you. Remember jean jackets never fail. There are always concert tickets. I saw David Foster’s 75th birthday celebration at the Hollywood Bowl last month. It was great. Sporting events are good too. Taking my boy to a Chicago Bears game in a couple of weeks. How can you beat that? Oh yeah, my daughter-in-law gave birth to my first grandchild last month. Baby girl is healthy and beautiful. Do you think I’m gonna buy her any presents this Christmas? Ha! Next year I’m sure I’ll be adding baby gift ideas. Wait till these baby stores get a load of me. Ha! Can’t wait.

Have a great holiday season everyone.