Y’all, it has been an exhausting last few days, but my mom and I got everything done that needed to be done in order for the work to start on the guest bedroom that will soon be turned into my closet and laundry room. I did take off on Thursday, and we had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving Day. But on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, it was pedal to the metal trying to get everything done by last night.
The first order of business was to turn our breakfast room into our temporary bedroom. We’ve done this before back in 2019 and 2020, and we’re doing it again. I had to empty the room not only of the furniture (just the chairs, really), but also these stacks and stacks of hardwood flooring that will be used in our bedroom suite.
I got all of those boxes moved and stacked against the furthest wall in the area where the new flooring will be installed (I’m running out of room to put things), and then my mom helped me bring all of the unboxed pieces in and stack those neatly on top. My thought was that by the time I reach this wall during the flooring installation, I won’t have much to move out of the way (depending on how accurately I did my calculations) in order to finish up the last few rows.

Next, I needed to empty out my closets. I had nowhere to hang my clothes, so I looked at several freestanding options that you can buy and assemble. Unfortunately, the ones that were big enough for what I needed either looked pretty flimsy or were about $200 or more. So I decided to build my own. It’s not fancy, but it did the trick. It took me about an hour to build from start to finish. The construction is very basic, and it cost about $80 using two metal hanging bars and a few pieces of lumber from Lowe’s.

Once that was constructed, I moved it into the sunroom close to the washer and dryer, and then moved all of my clothes in here and hung them up.

Then I needed a place for my shoes. There was no room in the sunroom for those, so I brought them all into my studio and lined them up against the long cabinet. Maybe I can find a better solution, but this was the best I could do in a pinch.

I had to laugh because several commenters have said on past posts that it’s going to be very inconvenient for me to use a separate bedroom as my closet because I’ll have to go from our bathroom, into the hallway, and into the new closet which is technically a separate bedroom. But after living temporarily like this, with my clothes in the laundry room, my shoes in my studio, and my jewelry in the bathroom, and literally having to go from one end of the house clear to the other just to put an outfit together and get ready to go somewhere, it will be a very welcome change, and will feel so convenient, having everything organized in that one location relatively close to the bathroom and bedroom.
Anyway, after the closets were emptied out, my mom and I started removing everything else from the room, from things that Matt and I use daily (which had to be organized in the breakfast room) to the furniture that I probably won’t keep (which we moved to my workshop until I have time to take pictures and list on Marketplace).
And then it was time for the closets to come out. And let me tell you, when I built these closets, I built them to last. I clearly never intended for them to be taken apart because I thought I was never going to get these things out. But I finally got them apart, and we hauled all the pieces out of the room and into my workshop where I now have a nice stack of materials that I can repurpose into another building project.

I loved those closets, and they served us (or me) very well. But it completely changed the look of the room getting them out of there.

Anyway, we worked our tails off, and we got it done. I think we finished up at about 7:30 last night.

So, goodbye, bedroom. It was nice while it lasted.

So let’s take one last look back at this bedroom. It was a fun project to put together, and it was a comfy bedroom for us for the last four years.

While it was nice, and it served us well, it was pretty small for our liking (the closets made the usable floor space smaller), and there wasn’t nearly enough closet space. It was a nice bedroom, but we’re on to bigger and better things now.
Addicted 2 Decorating is where I share my DIY and decorating journey as I remodel and decorate the 1948 fixer upper that my husband, Matt, and I bought in 2013. Matt has M.S. and is unable to do physical work, so I do the majority of the work on the house by myself. You can learn more about me here.