Y’all, these last couple of days have been rough at the Linauer house, so I’ve gotten virtually nothing done on our bedroom suite. Sunday was Matt’s birthday. We were planning a fun day to celebrate Matt’s 51st birthday, but he had a horrible day. I mean, horrible. It was, by far, his worst day so far this year. (If you’re new around here, my husband has M.S., so he has good days and bad day, a some bad days are far worse than others.) It was one of those days where things started off great, but as the day went on, he got progressively weaker and weaker to the point that I feared he might end up in the hospital by the end of the day. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. But what that did mean is that I had to stick close by in case he needed anything.
But since it was his birthday, I had purchased a couple of treats for him. I didn’t buy a cake because I knew he wouldn’t eat much of it, and then I’d be obligated to eat the rest by myself. 😀 Because that’s what sugar addicts do. So instead, I bought him two of his favorite candies — peanut M&M’s (just a small, individual package that you get at the grocery store checkout) and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (and they only had the king size package with four cups in it). Since he doesn’t do well with lots of sugar, I was going to give him his choice between those two rather than giving him both to eat. And since he was getting a sweet treat, I also used that as an excuse to buy myself a sweet treat, so I bought a millionaire for myself. It just comes one to a package at HEB, so I thought I could handle that without losing control.
But I bought them early in the day when he was feeling pretty well. By the time dinner rolled around (I had made him homemade chili, which was his birthday request), he was feeling so awful and weak that he didn’t even want to eat chili, and he surely couldn’t eat anything with sugar in it. And I was feeling so stressed because of the horrible day that he was having, and the fear that we’d wind up at the hospital by day’s end.
So in my stress, and with that candy in the house that he wasn’t going to eat, I did what sugar addicts do. I sat at my desk and ATE ALL OF IT. I kid you not. I ate every last bit of that myself. A whole package of peanut M&M’s, a king size of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (four cups), and my millionaire. All in one sitting.
Y’all, I felt horrible. I mean, I felt physically terrible, and the effect was immediate. After going last year with eating virtually no sugar (that was my 2024 New Year’s resolution), and going this year with very little sugar, eating that much sugar in one sitting just about did me in. But I thought I could just go to bed and sleep off the negative effects and wake up to a bright new day yesterday morning.
Nope. The effects of that sugar were even worse yesterday morning. Do you remember when I had that sciatic nerve issue that put me out of commission for a week back in October 2023? It was back. I was in so much pain yesterday that just walking was difficult. Matt had a better day yesterday, but still not great. So all of that combined meant that I was pretty much out of commission for two days straight. It was such a stupid, short-sighted decision on my part to eat all of that sugar, and I paid the price. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, right?
So instead of actually getting work done yesterday, I sat at my desk and did some mockups of our bedroom. 😀
I started with the mockup that I did way back. It’s funny to see how different my vision for our bedroom was back then.

And then I swapped everything out for the recent selections I’ve made.

Those aren’t the exact bedside tables I’ll be making, but the one I want to make didn’t have a front-facing picture that I could copy and paste into my mockup, so I used a similar one. And that bed frame is also not one that I’ll be using, but I just needed a bed to copy and paste in front of the headboard. But at least it gives the general overall feel of what I’m going for.
And then I started looking for table lamps that would go with the new selections. As I was scrolling through, they all seemed to look the same. Gourd lamps, modern lamps. Everything seemed to blur together. And then this one stopped me in my scroll. This was it! This was the one. It was perfect.
Of course it was. It’s $989! I swear to you that I don’t do it on purpose. I don’t intentionally seek out the expensive stuff. It just always seems to happen that the things I like the most are expensive and out of my price range. There’s no way I could justify spending almost $1000 each for two table lamps. But oh my goodness, it’s so pretty, and so perfect. Don’t think for a second that I’m not already planning how I could DIY such a lamp. I don’t think it would be difficult. Just look how perfect these are for our bedroom.

I also found this beautiful art glass lamp. This one was much more my price range at $129 each. While I love the art glass look, I don’t think this will work because (1) I want gold accents, and (2) I think the color will get lost against the dark teal of the walls and curtains. But I do love a unique art glass lamp.
As much as I like those, I do think they get lost, just as I suspected.

As far as price goes, these lamps are even better. These are $140 for a set of two! I do love that sea glass look, and there’s a lot of this light blue-green color in the headboard fabric and also in the rug.
I think these look really pretty, and they do stand out against the teal. But they do seem to get lost with the bold colors.

And finally, these pretty lamps also come as a set of two for $340.
I really like these, too. They can also hold their own against all of that teal, and they’re a bit bolder in style, so they don’t seem to get lost like the sea glass lamps.

But my favorite is the orange. I love that it seems to bring balance to the overall design, bringing that color from the rug and the accents in the headboard.

But there’s no way I’ll be spending $2000 on a couple of table lamps for our bedroom. So I’m going to have to find a way to get that look on a budget. Perhaps I can start with a trip to a thrift store and see if they have something similarly shaped that I can paint and transform.
Anyway, no more sugar for me. I have learned that lesson the hard way. Yesterday was painful and miserable. I fasted yesterday in an effort to purge all of that sugar from my system, and I woke up this morning feeling good. The pain in my hip is gone, and I’m ready for a productive day. I hope I’ll remember yesterday’s misery the next time I’m tempted to gorge myself on sugar.