Well, I was wrong. I thought I wasn’t going to get any work done yesterday, but I ended up getting the other two cabinets built for the right side of the room! I didn’t want a day to go by without at least some progress, so I ended up working right up until 10:00 last night. I’m pretty tired this morning, but I’m also feeling super excited and motivated.
This is only one part of what will be a very long series of posts on my biggest built yet — my walk-in closet and laundry combination. If you missed the previous post, you can find that here: Wiring My Walk-In Closet Cabinet For Lighting
I don’t have the two new sections completely finished and affixed to the wall or the other two cabinets yet, but at least they’re built. And while they’re not in their exact position yet, I pushed them into the general vicinity so that we could get an idea of how this side of the room is going to shape up.

I still need to add the feet to these two sections before I can push them into place and affix them to the other cabinets and the walls. And in order to put the feet on them, I have to have room to tilt them to the side. But I ran out of time (and energy) last night before I could get that done. But this is the general idea and the basic configuration of the cabinets.

I’ll get those two sections attached and in place first thing today, and then I’ll let y’all tell me what you want to see me do next, because I can’t decide what I’d rather do.
The first option is that I could go ahead and build the basic cabinet boxes for the other side of the room, and then we can finally get a visual of the whole layout of the room. So far, I have the basic structure of the whole right side of the room almost completely built.

So obviously, I need to repeat that whole process again on the left side of the room.

Now that I have my process down, and I’m able to build the cabinets faster now than I did on the first day, I think I could have the whole thing built by the end of the day tomorrow.
The second option is that I could go ahead and trim out the right side of the room before starting on the left side. I have to admit that I’m a bit anxious to see the pretty stuff, so the idea of going ahead and trimming out the right side, complete with shelves, face trim, baseboards, and crown molding, is very appealing to me.

And it might also be more motivating and satisfying to see something pretty in the room before I tackle the boring stuff on the left side. Because, let’s face it, there’s nothing particularly exciting about big, boring, untrimmed boxes.
I know it’s not a big deal. Both of those things need to be done eventually. But y’all can tell me what you want to see next. Should I go ahead and build out the whole left side of the room first, and then do all of the shelves, trim, and molding after I’ve built the closet cabinet boxes for both sides of the room? Or should I keep going with the right side of the room and add the shelves and trim before I start on the left side? Just a note: Even if I keep going with the right side of the room with the shelves and trim, I still won’t be building drawers at this point. Those will be the last thing I do. But we could at least see this side go from plain, boring boxes to looking more like actual closet cabinets.
I’ll end with a funny story. This morning, Matt and I were startled awake at 6:30, when it was still very dark outside, by lights flashing outside, flashlights shining into our windows, and Cooper barking and snarling like a rabid beast like he does when someone is on our front porch. I was awakened out of a dead sleep and was so disoriented for about a minute while I struggled to put on some clothes. Then I heard the sound of metal tapping against the glass on our front door.
I looked out and saw two police cars in front of our house, one police officer at the side window of our living room shining his flashlight into our living room, and two police officers at the front door.
I opened the front door, and one said, “Hi. How are you doing?” I said, “Well, I’m a little freaked out right now. What’s going on?” He said, “Oh, everything’s fine.” And then he went on to tell me that one of my neighbors had called for a wellness check on us because I had left the back of our van open all night and they were concerned that there had been some nefarious activity.
All I could do was laugh. I explained that it was an oversight on my part. I was unloading lumber from the back of the van last night to work on my walk-in closet and just forgot to close the back of the van. So it stayed open all night. He looked over at the pile of stuff that had been torn out of the room and piled in front of the house, and said, “Yeah, I can see that you’ve been doing lots of work.” They were satisfied with that answer, wished me well, and went on their way.
Before the time change, I would have been awake by then because the sun would have already been up. But since the time change, I sleep right up until my alarm clock goes off at 7:00am, so I was startled awake out of a dead sleep. That’s a CRAZY way to be startled awake, with lights flashing, flashlights being pointed into our windows, our dog barking and snarling at someone on the front porch, and metal tapping against our glass front door. I’m thankful to have neighbors that look after me, though! I just wish they would have waited to come around 7:05 after our alarm had gone off and I had a few minutes to wake up. 😀 But all is well. I doubt I’ll forget to close the van again!