There was a time in my life when every year, I’d go to some big box store, and buy new Christmas decorations with no abandon (well, some abandon, because ya girl has always been on a budget). The storage bins in my garage are proof that I’d buy some cheap, crappy-looking wreaths and tinsel garlands and plastic ornaments just to check some box and get my place feeling festive, but I’d inevitably go and buy other things I liked better the next year.
I realize now how wildly wasteful and irresponsible that was. I would blame social media for my consumerist needs, but honestly, I remember growing up seeing family friends (and sometimes even my own mother) change their holiday decorative “theme” yearly. That required all new decorations every year, and I’m sorry…WHAT?!? And while this yearly Christmas decoration refresh has been going on for some people for a long time, social media, as it does, hasn’t made it any better. It’s some people’s job to do this very thing, I’m well aware (I’m saying for fact, not as a “bite the hand that feeds you” scenario). For example, I remember a few years ago when the sparse Noble Fir Christmas tree became all the rage, and everyone on my feeds was suddenly kicking their existing artificial tree to the literal curb and re-upping to a more “on-trend” tree style. The new trees were beautiful, but certainly not necessary.
And while I may sound like I’m shaming, I promise I’m not. It’s so easy to get caught up in all of that; after all, I have, as well. There are big emotions around Christmas for those who celebrate, and pouring ourselves into having our homes reflect our love of this time of year is such a big part of that “magical” feeling we’re all chasing. But the older I get, the more I realize there are other ways that are just as aesthetically pleasing without all the waste. So I culled the internet, including some of my favorite blogger pals’ feeds, to come up with some ideas to share today for more sustainable Christmas decor ideas. Some are a little farfetched (like renting a live tree, for instance), but others are charming avenues to tag onto your list of traditions (think making salt dough ornaments!). Let’s explore what I found.
Rent A Live Christmas Tree? Yeah…Really
I’m going to start with the most crunchy-granola sustainable Christmas tree option, because I know it’s not totally feasible for most, but might be for some. According to data from Nielsen Research (via the American Christmas Tree Associate—yes, there is such a thing), approximately 21.6 million real trees and 12.9 million artificial trees will be purchased by U.S. households this Christmas season. That’s staggering. I’ll go into what I dug up about the environmental impact of a cut tree vs. an artificial one in the next section (it may not be what you think), but if you’re one of those 21.6 million real tree buyers, there’s a somewhat new option for you.
Enter: The rented live Christmas tree. The concept on a large scale is relatively new, but here’s the idea: You rent a tree from a farm that delivers a potted evergreen to your door, you use it for a month or so, take off all your decorations, and that same farm picks it right back up. It gets replanted and keeps on living its life, possibly rented the following year until it gets too large to feasibly work in someone’s living room.
This is by far one of the most sustainable concepts because the tree comes from a local farm, doesn’t have to travel across the country to get to you, and nothing is cut down.
Here’s the downside: Its availability is super limited (I only found two websites offering this service and one is in Southern California and the other is in the Bay Area). Not to mention, it’s expensive. Typically, I’ll get a 6-7 foot Noble fir or the like from Lowe’s or even a neighborhood tree lot for anywhere from $60-$100. A tree of similar size at The Living Christmas Company or starts at $175 all the way up to $300+. That’s…a lot of money and certainly a luxury to be able to do. If you’re up for the cost, be sure to hop on placing your rental order ASAP as some of the trees are already sold out.

Even If You’re Not Renting, Go Real Instead Of Artificial
I’ve gotta be honest: I’ve always been a live tree snob. My parents often wanted the ease of an artificial tree but I was that kid who would have a fit every year saying a fake tree would ruin my “vibes.” I love the process of going to buy the tree, the small, even the ritual of regularly watering it. I love running my hands along the branches and feeling the flexible yet prickly needles. Yes, I detest those same needles lodged into my rug for years to come. I’m fairly certain my trunk has tree needles from like 7 years ago still lurking. But the struggle is worth it to me.
I’ll leave the caveat here that I realize a real tree doesn’t work for everyone. Real trees harbor mold, pesticides, and allergens that is a no-go for some homes. Also, if you live in say, a fourth-floor walk-up apartment, lugging a large and heavy tree up is a joke. According to The Nature Conservatory and, an artificial tree would need to be used for roughly 20 years to match the environmental impact of a real tree. This is partly because 90% of artificial trees are shipped from China, but also because they are made of PVC and will not decompose in the landfill they end up in eventually.
Real trees, on the other hand, are cut down, yes, but while they are a growing contribution to reforesting, here’s what The Nature Conservatory has to say:
“When these natural trees are harvested for sale, there are more 10 ten times as many left standing! Out of the 350-500 million growing on tree farms across the U.S., only 30 million trees are harvested for Christmas each year. Buying real trees will help keep tree farms in business—and in turn, keep their lands covered in the healthy forest habitat that wildlife depends on to survive. And what’s more, once all the festivities are done, these trees can be recycled and given a second life. Most states have organizations that use these donated Christmas trees for conservation and habitat projects in their local communities. Meanwhile, artificial trees are usually not recyclable and often end up filling our landfills.”
No choice is perfect, and there are creative out-of-the-box ideas, too like making a “tree” out of lights, cardboard, and even felt, though none of those personally appeal to me. It’s a real tree or nothing in my house, for better or for worse.
Organic Trees Exist, Too!
My last note on the Christmas tree for those who have read about all the pesticides used on them: you can source an organic tree. Tree farms going the organic route are limited right now, though not as sparse as the rental tree option. And just like those organic strawberries, a pesticide-free tree is going to have an up-charge. Check out this great resource list I found of organic tree farms by state.
Oh! And everything I wrote about artificial trees vs. real trees applies to garland, as well.

Skip The Plastic Decorations And Go For Food-Based & Natural Ornaments
I grew up with glass globe ornaments (and a healthy dose of tinsel). I think glass is still fine, but for anyone with kids or pets, there are other shatterproof options that aren’t plastic. A lot of the ideas I’m sharing below are actually food-based, so not only can you just scoop things up on your next grocery run, but they can also easily be composted or disposed of at the end of the season. Not to mention, they lend a decidedly classic Scandinavian or English country “wood nymph” kind of vibe which is not only very of the moment, but also endlessly beautiful.

Idea #1: Oranges
I’ve been making dried orange ornaments for a few years now and it’s become such a nice tradition and ritual. The house smells AMAZING while they’re frying in the oven (it takes hours), and they look so beautiful anywhere I put them. At first, I was afraid of critters but I haven’t had any issues at all. I don’t really reference a tutorial anymore, but for first-timers, Erin Francois of Francois et Moi–who will have a few appearances below because she is the queen of natural Christmas decor—has a good step-by-step.

Idea #2: Pinecones & Jingle Bells
I absolutely love using jingle bells of all shapes and sizes for holiday decor. I hang them from the tree, put them on garlands, and coral some in bowls and vessels. On the flip side, for a more natural take, you can use small or even large pinecones, as well. They sell them in stores, of course, but you could also collect them if you have pine trees where you live, just check for insects and whatnot.
Idea #3: Popcorn, Cranberries & Star Anise
Click the play button above on the reel from Erin Francois and be prepared to be awe-struck at just how beautiful strung-up cranberries can look. Like, my goodness it’s beautiful draped on your tree branches! You can also gather them in a bowl, or add in some popcorn for a super festive and nostalgic take. Fresh cranberries and popcorn should last a few weeks before things go south. As for star anise, this wreath is seriously swoon-worthy, made from the spice and an old wire hanger.
Idea #4: Paper Stars
Even just one large star can be enough to make a vignette in your house holiday-ready (see above, again from Erin Francois). You could also get the family (or a friend party) together to make a bunch of much smaller ones for the tree, to hang from mirrors and curtain rods, even from the ceiling. Here’s a tutorial from HGTV I found.
Idea #5: DIY Salt Dough Ornaments
I’m seriously adding this one into my rotation. It’s GORGEOUS. The dough is made of just salt, flour and water, and you can make any shape with them. Use existing cookie cutters you have, or even cookie presses like Curly Girl Kitchen did in the image above. They take a few days to dry out properly before hanging, so don’t try this on Christmas Eve thinking it’ll be ready in time for the big day.
Idea #6: DIY Clay Ornaments
Another route for maybe the more artistically inclined is DIY clay ornaments. Molly Madfis of Almost Makes Perfect always makes the most fun clay ornaments every year (I wait patiently each time to see what’s up her sleeve). But the pretty punctured “snowflake” circles and twine from above seem easy enough and so beautiful.
Idea #7: Wood-Bead Garland or Just Wood in General
Never underestimate the beauty and simplicity of a wood-bead garland. It’s so easy to do yourself even with a toddler like mine, and can be draped over door frames, on the tree, in bowls, along your bed frame…etc. etc. etc. Also, wood ornaments in general are a great option when compared to plastic, of course, and arguably way more aesthetically pleasing.
One Final Note On Wrapping Paper
And finally, wrapping paper. Look, I’m not going to tell you to skip it altogether (though the Japanese tradition of furoshiki gift wrapping is so stinking clever and good-looking) but above all else, try to avoid paper that has foil, glitter, or any plastic components. These things (as well as leftover tape and plastic ribbon/bows), make recycling it null and void, sadly. If there’s any metallic finish, opt for something else! You can always use a pretty ribbon to jazz it up, and those can be used year after year (I keep all mine in a box to pull out each Christmas or anytime I’m wrapping something, tbh).
This is where I leave you. I LOVE decorating for Christmas, and I’m not discouraging anyone from being the same, but if we all make some effort in one or two areas of the process, I bet it could make a big impact over time. Happy holidays, friends.
Until next time…
Opening Image Credit: Design & Styling By Arlyn Hernandez | Photo By Sara Ligorria-Tramp | From: Arlyn’s Warm (& Sort Of Last-Minute Diyed) Holiday Reveal