One of the best things about this job is it keeps me young in a lot of ways because being a part of digital media (and social media) is inherently youth culture. I LOVE keeping up with what everyone is loving (and trying to figure out WHY????). Sometimes I truly don’t get it, but that’s the fun of it – we aren’t supposed to get everyone – it’s part of the ride of being alive in 2025. So today I thought it would be fun for each of us to analyze the Pinterest colors of the year and see how we would use them (either forced or voluntarily). I’m weighing in at age 45, born in 1979 so on the cusp of being Gen X and Millenial. Caitlin and Jess are both solid millennials, Gretch and Mal are millennial/Gen Z cuspers, and Marlee is a solid Gen Z. Here is what we ALLLL think 🙂
Cherry Red
Como Rechargeable LED Table Lamp | Vreeland Trays | Fortune Garden Stoneware Red Scallop Salad Plate | Staub Cast Iron 1-qt Round Tea Kettle | Ajax Steel Ladder Bookcase | Flowerpot V9 Rechargeable LED Portable Table Lamp
Emily (Elder Millennial/Gen X Cusp): LOVE. Definitely my favorite and I’m not afraid to use it in small doses everywhere (and have). If I were a hotel designer you bet I would incorporate it into a bar, bathrooms, dining spaces – just anywhere where I wanted that powerful punch.
Jess (Millennial): This one is my favorite. Bold but not too bright and even a little sexy:) Emily has long been using red as an unexpected pop of color, and I’ve loved it each and every time. I think that’s how I would use it, just as a little pop of color.
Caitlin (Millennial): LOVE. But, to be fair, I’ve been on the red train since we first called it as a trend in 2019. This shade of cherry almost works as a neutral – I’m thinking of using it in the same way that I’d use brass or chrome. (Think pops of red in cabinet knobs, light fixtures, or vessels.)
Gretchen (Millennial/Gen Z Cusp): I love the boldness of cherry red, but in my own designs and stylings, it’s only a color I only use in small amounts. I live mostly in blues, greens and various shades of brown, so for me, I can only handle small pops. It’s a color I can definitely appreciate, but I will say, of these five colors, it doesn’t rank top of my list.
Mallory (Millennial/Gen Z Cusp): I love nothing more than a cherry or wine red. Not only would I use it, but I literally did just use it in my closet-turned-speakeasy, so yeah I’m a fan of this anywhere and everywhere.
Marlee (Gen Z): Yes! But mostly in small doses – I do agree with the unexpected red theory. A frame or small piece of art, a stool, or ceramics. I have the same philosophy with clothes – I don’t think I can pull off a red sweater but I love a pair of red socks.
Butter Yellow

Coquille Mirror | le FLEUR* Linen Venice Set | Kiki Table Lamp/Sconce | Lucy Linen Embroidered Pillow | Middle Kingdom Miniature Porcelain Milk Jar Vase | HAY Basket
Emily (Elder Millennial/Gen X Cusp): I think this can be warm and inviting but isn’t my first choice in colors or yellows (I do LOVE a mustard, of course). But a kitchen in France? Sure 🙂 A painted porch ceiling in the South? Yep! But otherwise, I think I’m not into this as much as a lot of people.
Jess (Millennial): This is the color I painted my room in high school. I wanted to be more sophisticated and what was more grown up than pale yellow walls with black and white toile? Ha. Anyway, in 2025 it wouldn’t be a color I would jump to use but when done right I think it’s very pretty.
Caitlin (Millennial): FINALLY, MY BATHROOM TILE IS EN VOUGUE. I knew this day would come!!! My home is filled with so much butter-yellow tile (it’s in the kitchen, too) that I would need to be paid to even consider putting this hue ANYWHERE else in my home. Hard pass on this one from me, though I am very into sunnier yellows right now – the mirror above is much closer to my preferred shade.
Gretchen (Millennial/Gen Z Cusp): Sorry to disappoint my butter-lovers out there, but this one is probably my least favorite of the bunch. Does that mean I hate it? No. But I am not running to the paint store any time soon. To me, it’s just a little too pale and puny. Of all the yellows, I gravitate toward a richer, more saturated, golden hue. A yellow that feels a little more grounded than this.
Mallory (Millennial/Gen Z Cusp): Yellow has been my favorite color since I was a literal baby (case and point: my nursery was painted yellow!!) I’m thrilled that this color is trending because I have vintage butter yellow tile in my 1950s apartment kitchen that will absolutely be staying and now I want to bring in even more butter yellow to the space.
Marlee (Gen Z): Hmmmm… maybe? It’s a nice color to look at. I’m not opposed to this shade of yellow for linen bedding or in the form of velvet throw pillows. I could also get behind some butter-yellow tiles as a bathroom or kitchen backsplash. The more I look at it the more I start to like it – I think I’d take this over mustard honestly.
Indigo Aura

Jolene Cotton Wool Woven Throw Blanket | Eloise Glass Table Lamp | Riley Velvet Platform Bed | Morgan Double Old Fashioned Glasses (Set of 4) | UO Home Toile Removable Wallpaper | Avery Squiggle Multi-INSTAX Picture Frame
Emily (Elder Millennial/Gen X Cusp): Not for me, but Elliot (read: my 9-year-old daughter) would love it. Generally, I think this color reads young, or if used by a grownup I fear that it goes tacky. There… I SAID IT, SORRY PINTEREST. And yes, this color did make me feel old… I’m really enjoying some of the below enthusiasm though (which always makes me doubt myself – Caitlin is sooooo good and predicting trends!!)
Jess (Millennial): I’ve simply never loved purple, not even when I was young. A burgundy or maroon is as close as I get. This is a hard pass for me even though I’ve liked it for other people when they’ve done something really cool with it.
Caitlin (Millennial): SORRY, I LOVE IT. I think this one is going to be the sleeper hit of the year, TBH. I’m (finally) putting the finishing touches on my (unexpectedly moody!) bedroom right now, and I’m looking for a quilt or blanket that echoes the palette of the wallpaper above. It feels a little fresh and unexpected, especially when paired against some deep, desaturated tones. (But also…indigo? Girl, this is lavender. Or lilac. Maybe even periwinkle. BUT INDIGO?! Who names these?!)
Gretchen (Millennial/Gen Z Cusp): SORRY, I ALSO LOVE IT. When a few of us started sharing our initial thoughts on these colors and this pretty purple was getting somewhat poo-pooed, I was holding back a smile because this is a color I have really been liking lately. I am hesitant to incorporate too much into my space at once, but ever since I saw this rug at IKEA, (which I should’ve snagged when I saw it because it doesn’t seem to be available) I have been looking for ways to incorporate it. I especially love it in combination with the next color.
Mallory (Millennial/Gen Z Cusp): This is definitely the hardest color to incorporate in the group so if this is a game of smash or pass I’m definitely going to have to pass. But if I HAD to use it, it could be fun just as a little pop of color somewhere (and I think it would look good with a creamy white and brown palate).
Marlee (Gen Z): Respectfully it’s a no from me. I know it’s technically not the same shade of purple but it really reminds me of Justin Berber’s “Never Say Never” era. That’s NOT a bad thing but not something I want to think about daily. Who knows, maybe it will grow on me – never say never I guess!
Dill Green

Pablo Velvet + Linen Circle Pillow | Jade Artisanal Glass Vases | Green Coat | Kodhi Mini Table Lamp | Silas Media Console | Velvet Button Tufted Lumbar Pillow
Emily (Elder Millennial/Gen X Cusp): YES. I love this far more than olive (which I like, but tend not to use – wait, except Kaitlin’s basement). This feels happy and youthful and fairly easy to incorporate (I want that round pillow NOW).
Jess (Millennial): Also a big YES! I love this tone of green. I might ideally skew a little darker but overall I would happily use this green in small accents with decor in my home.
Caitlin (Millennial): LOVE. This feels like olive green’s spunky younger sister. I’ve never been too into cooler-toned greens (emeralds aren’t really for me), and this feels like such a welcome departure from the more muted greens we’ve seen ad nauseam for the last 5 years. Like, YES, DILL! Bring the energy! Bring the joie de vivre! (I also invested in a massive jade-colored sectional at the end of 2024, so I’m feeling validated here.)
Gretchen (Millennial/Gen Z Cusp): Yes, yes, and YES. I am a green girl to my core. My favorite color, which I lovingly call, “baby sh*t green”, could be Dill’s color cousin. So I love this one deeply.
Mallory (Millennial/Gen Z Cusp): Dill is perhaps my favorite herb so this color is a hell yes for me! This green would work anywhere, anytime.
Marlee (Gen Z): I am a huge green enthusiast so yes – I think this would be pretty in a bathroom. I’ve been eyeing one of those semi-sheer “sun shower” curtains and like the idea of this color for one of those.
Alpine Oat

Linen Table Lamp | SANDBRODD | Small Stoneware Vase | Wall Art | Jodie Wing Chair
Emily (Elder Millennial/Gen X Cusp): I mean yes ma’am, but to be fair it’s literally just a warm white. But since anything “alpine” or “apres” is trending this snowy color makes sense that it’s being called out (despite just being a white).
Jess (Millennial): Another slam dunk but I also think it’s funny that a light oat/cream is “trending”. Isn’t it kinda always? This color is key in my house and while I never plan to go full minimalist/no color, I love how it adds a quiet warmth to a space.
Caitlin (Millennial): ARE YOU JOKING? I see through your branding, “Alpine Oat.” YOU ARE JUST WARM WHITE. It’s fine. I will continue to use white as I always have (sparingly, lest everything in my home be covered in stains). I feel like Miranda Priestly here – “Cream? A trending color? Groundbreaking.” But congratulations to everyone with creamy white paint – we are all seemingly ahead of the curve!!!
Gretchen (Millennial/Gen Z Cusp): It feels like a stretch to call this “color” Alpine Oat, unless the whiteness of the mountaintops are meant to entirely cancel out the gentle browns of an oat. Let’s call it what it is–this is just cream. Maybe oat milk? Regardless, it’s nice. It goes with everything and it will always be around, but it doesn’t excite me the way the other colors do.
Mallory (Millennial/Gen Z Cusp): Well this color is certainly creamy and delicious…I’m VERY into it (although I’m starting to get sick of seeing it used in a boucle fabric). Creamy whites are always in and I personally have this color all over my home currently (shoutout to Alabaster by Sherwin-Williams).
Marlee (Gen Z): This feels like it should be an obvious yes, but I’m struggling to think of where I would use this – could be a cozier alternative to white bedding. Would love some carpenter pants in this shade though:)
Ok so we had some agreements, some disagreements, and now we want to hear from you! What do you all think? Love all of them? Have a favorite? xx